• Corning Comfort Care Inc., dba Bampa's House


    Human ServicesCharitable OrganizationsHealthNon-Profit

    About Us

    Welcome to Bampa’s House, the Corning-Painted Post area’s only non-profit 501(c)(3) comfort care home. Bampa’s House is a two bedroom home where the terminally ill can spend the final days of their lives receiving compassionate care in a peaceful, home-like environment.

    Bampa’s House was established by the family and friends of Jim Dugan. It was first conceived after Jim Dugan’s family struggled with finding an appropriate place for him to spend his final days. After he passed away, Jim’s family decided that if there was any way to help others in this situation, even if it was just one or two families at a time, they would like to do so in Jim’s honor.

    Known affectionately as “Bampa” to his three grandsons, Jim was a big part of the Corning-Painted Post Community, spending his career at Corning Community College, volunteering through the Lion’s Club, and facilitating beer tastings at The Site.

    Bampa’s House is not a nursing facility, hospital, or treatment center; rather, it is a comfortable, home-like environment that focuses on comfort care. Care received at Bampa’s House is similar to what a person would receive at home. The staff and volunteers at Bampa’s House will not administer IV fluids for hydration, tube feedings, or CPR. The will, however, do their best to alleviate symptoms and make
    the resident as comfortable as possible.


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    In Loving Memory of Jim ''Bampa'' Dugan
    Bampa with his grandchildren
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    Rep/Contact Info

    View Personal Bio
    Tish Miller
    Executive Director